The Importance of Instrument and Equipment Calibration
One of the first steps necessary to create a successful project is to calibrate equipment . The importance of maintaining your equipment is crucial and it’s a practice that many do not do. For some of us, our jobs depend on what we do with the equipment we have. What’s the use if we don’t calibrate? You wouldn’t trust yourself as a technician or car mechanic to fix things if you don’t follow its maintenance schedule and neither should you trust yourself if you aren’t following the proper manner of calibrating your instruments. Calibration means the care and adjustment of measurement equipment to ensure that it’s giving accurate and reliable readings. This helps maximize the quality of your project and eliminate as much unwanted noise as possible. In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about calibration, including an introduction to waveforms, tips for calibrating your mixes, and precautions you can take before even hitting the record button. Why Calibrate Your Instru...